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Seek to constantly reflect, project, adapt and readapt your offerings in line with the needs of your audience

Seek to constantly reflect, project, adapt and readapt your offerings in line with the needs of your audience

This is Nokia 3310


the first ever mobile phone device I personally owned. The product was launched in 2000 and as a matter of fact it was one of the most iconic and cash cow products of Nokia Plc selling over 126 million units.

Nokia and Motorola, were the dominant players in the mobile phone industry in the early years of the 21st century.

Apple however, only launched its first ever iPhone in 2007 and ever since then they joined their arch-rival Samsung to dominate the smartphone industry leaving the two former giants way behind.

What happened?

Among the multifarious reasons that have been cited one tend to be a common denominator:

The inability to truly understand and act promptly on meeting the ever changing needs of the customer.

Apple and Samsung understands this message hence why they tend to release a new version of their existing products every 6–9 months on average to the extent that we now have an over supply of excellent products in the market. The customers are spoilt with choices.

Now consider yourself as a product; you have a brand name (one given to you by your patents), a physical body and skill sets that you use in exchange for the salary your employer pays you and/or profits you get from your venture.

Like Nokia 3310, if you don’t constantly seek to improve on your personal brand in line what what your target audience (employers, customers) need, you will be replaced by those who can.

Seek to constantly reflect, project, adapt and readapt your offerings in line with the needs of your audience


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Dr Alfred Mbeteh